Premises Accidents

TRIBUIANO & YAMADA understands that property owners and businesses have a legal duty to keep their premises safe and secure, including the obligation to warn those on the property of any dangerous conditions. This requirement applies whether the property is a commercial property or a single-family residence.

When accidents, injuries or deaths occur because of problems with the physical conditions or security of the premise, the owner, manager or individuals responsible in maintaining the land, property or building may held responsible.

In these cases, the injured person may receive compensation for injuries and damages caused by the unsafe condition of the property.

The most common types of premises injuries include:
  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • Trip and Fall Accidents
  • Falling Objects
  • Dog Bites
  • Swimming Pool Accidents
The reason you were on the property does not matter, from visiting a friend, conducting business, shopping, taking a jog, having an evening out at a restaurant or staying in a hotel. All owners and managers have a legal responsibility to keep their premises safe and free of hazards.

We proudly operate on a contingency fee basis, which means that there are no legal fees or costs until we obtain a settlement or recovery for you or a loved one. In the event that there is no recovery, you will not be charged for our legal services.   Here at NTY Law, we have the expertise to help you navigate through the legal system and deal with the insurance companies.

If you are involved in a premises accident, immediately document the condition of the premises by taking photographs and/or video of the scene and contact TRIBUIANO & YAMADA at (916) 333-5000 or info@ntylaw.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a free initial consultation.

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